Carlos Andres Ramirez

Name: Carlos Andres Ramirez

Profile: Computer Engineer


Linkedin: Carlos Andres Ramirez

General Skills

Cyber Security 90%
C | Ruby | Python | Development 75%
Writing 80%
Business & Entrepreneurship 60%


  • Research student in AI, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
  • Master degree in Risk Engineering, CSS Lab, University of Tsukuba, Japan.
  • Computer Systems Engineering degree, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.

Key Technical Skills

  • Application security
  • Penetration testing
  • Software development | C | Ruby | Python
  • Threat hunting
  • Fraud prevention and anti-fraud system design
  • Incident response & computer forensics
About me

M.Sc.Eng., GCFA, GXPN. Computer systems engineer with over 12 years of working experience. My areas of expertise include cybersecurity, software development, AI, fraud prevention and risk management. I have executed and managed cyber-deception operations and incident response tasks across the globe, including highly sensitive investigations on-site in several countries in Asia, Europe and the Americas.

I am a CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) and open source contributor.

Vulnerabilities I have recently discovered and responsibly disclosed: